Liability for a Fall in the Nursing Home

Winter can be one of the most perilous times of year for the elderly. Viruses and illnesses are more common, nursing home staff are busier than ever, and cold and wet weather makes falling more likely to occur. Nursing home liability can become unclear. Each year, a nursing home with 100 residents typically reports between…

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Injuries in the Office Over the Holidays

While the holidays can be one of the most joyous times of the year, they can also be one of the most perilous. This is especially true at the office where everything gets hectic and there are more opportunities for employer holiday injuries to occur.  Is your employer responsible if you’re injured in a holiday-related…

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Your Medical Information in a Lawsuit

If you’re injured and file a lawsuit to collect damages, you may be wondering how your medical information will be used throughout the process.  Will it be public? How much will be seen? Who will be allowed to see?  The first thing to know is that as of 1996, in the United States, all medical…

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Help! The Insurance Company Low-Balled My Personal Injury Claim

If you’re in the position of filing a personal injury claim with an insurance company following an accident or loss, we’d like to extend our condolences. We know this never happens unless there was an event that caused a great deal of pain, suffering, and loss. To make matters worse, you may find that the…

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Should I file a lawsuit if my child was in an accident?

One of the worst nightmares every parent faces is learning that their child has been in an accident. While it’s natural to feel a surge of relief once the doctor has told them their child is unharmed, certain long-term effects of the accident may not immediately be apparent. If your child was in an accident…

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What To Do With Medical Bills After An Injury

What To Do With Medical Bills While Awaiting A Settlement The first step towards receiving compensation for an injury is filing a personal injury claim. Reaching a settlement is the next step, and this process often takes months. In some cases, a trial is necessary, and this can take multiple years. While all this is…

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Useful Bike Safety Tips From Bike Accident Lawyers

Bike Safety Tips All Riders Can Use People ride bikes for all kinds of reasons. Some ride because they are an environmentally friendly alternative to cars, and others ride simply for the pleasure and health benefits. No matter what propels you to get on a bike and ride, it’s important to remember the fundamentals of…

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Everything You Need To Know About Civil Rights Violations

Civil Rights Violations: What Minnesota Residents Should Know As Americans, we’re afforded numerous freedoms, many of which are not found anywhere else in the world. When our freedoms are infringed upon, we consider such offenses to be a big deal—and rightfully so! Among these important freedoms are our freedoms of speech, assembly, and religion; our…

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What To Do When Facing Inmate Neglect

How To Identify & Stand Up To Inmate Neglect Whether you’re awaiting trial in jail or completing a prison sentence, you’re entitled to constitutional rights. Neglect and abuse are intolerable in America’s prison system, though instances of both happen far too often.  If you’re experiencing neglect or abuse while behind bars—or if these things are…

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